Thursday, March 13, 2014

Switchfoot Protested By Fundamentalists

Switchfoot as a band and as individual believers in the Lord Jesus do so many things right, I was wondering when they would face opposition. Recently, it came. I just never dreamed it would come from those who claim to be followers of Jesus.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can read about it, see video footage of the incident and Jon Foreman's (frontman for Switchfoot) reaction.
Click the link below:

I wrote the guys (Switchfoot), recently, to encourage them. Here is what I said:

Hey guys,

      Your music and message is so needed in the world today. My wife and I and our four kids are missionaries in Japan. We keep your music on rotation in our car all the time. My kids (13, 12, 9 and 7 yrs) know your songs by heart. They often ask me, "what does this song mean, Dad?" It is so refreshing to be able to tell them the meaning and what you are singing about with no hesitation. Sharing your song meanings usually allows me to also share life lessons that I want my kids to understand and live out.
I really appreciate your response, Jon, to the recent protest you guys faced. I watched your reaction on Land of the Broken Hearts website today with my two oldest kids. I was able to point to your example of how to handle difficult situations with the Love of Christ. We love you and praise God for your lives, music and message. He is using you in a profound way.

"Love alone is worth the fight",


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